The TRX system provides a travel friendly option to increase the variety and quality of workouts in hotel rooms for travelers of all types. It’s deceptively simple strap system forces your body work all sort of different stability muscles while increasing strain for the rest of your body.

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Why should you be interested in my opinion on hotel workout equipment?

I’ve been on the road as both a business traveler and a military officer for the past 20 or so years (and ~3 years with a Whoop telling me my daily strain). During that time, I’ve strived to shape in top shape to compete is endurance events and just enjoy the outdoors. When I was a consultant, I spent a ton of time in hotels in remote places that weren’t great for running outdoors and didn’t have amazing gyms.

What is a TRX?

TRX packed into business travel carry on suit case

The TRX system is a combination of two adjustable straps, combined with a carabiner-style clip. Each strap has foot loops as well as handholds. The system is an established fitness tool and provides many body weight exercise opportunities for both upper and lower body.

Normally, the clip is attached high on a large piece of workout equipment or to a specifically designed connection point. I have one of these connectors in my basement and it has two lag screws into a stud.

How can I use my TRX in a hotel room?

The secret tool that makes the TRX so effective for travel is a small mount that slips atop your hotel room door. This transforms the hotel door into a device to secure the TRX system and enable fitness. I love this because your workout is literally just feet away after waking up from a restful hotel sleep.

Now you might be worried about the security and sturdiness of the hotel door when placing a load atop it. While I’m sure there are some doors that would not be smart to use, I’ve not found one in the 15 or more hotel rooms I’ve used my TRX in. Between the 3 hinges, the locking mechanism, and the deadbold, you should have more than enough holding power in the door.

**Please check your door and make your own decision on the strength of the door**

Additionally, the TRX system can also be connected to a pull system or cable system that might be found in a mid-grade hotel gym.

TRX Go system on hotel door for business travel workout

How can the TRX system help business travelers workout?

When combined with the door attachment, the TRX system can let business travelers get a quick and relatively intense workout right from their hotel room. This can be convenient when:

What kinds of workouts can be done on a TRX?

TRX workout on reMarkable 2 tablet

Ultimately, the quality of a workout device should be judged by how well it enables your fitness. The TRX system gives you a ton of bang for your proverbial buck. Lately, I’ve been writing out planned TRX workout on my reMarkable 2 paper tablet prior to the workout and then keeping it handy for reference. Example of that planned workout to the right.

Upper body workouts on the TRX system

  1. TRX Rows:
    • Setup: Adjust the TRX straps to mid-length. Stand facing the anchor point, lean back, and hold the handles with an overhand grip.
    • Execution: Pull your body toward the handles, engaging your back muscles. Keep your body in a straight line throughout the movement.
  2. TRX Push-Ups (aka Atomic Pushups):
    • Setup: Set the TRX straps to mid-calf length. Face away from the anchor point and place your hands in the handles, getting into a push-up position.
    • Execution: Perform push-ups, maintaining stability by using the TRX straps. This adds an extra challenge to the standard push-up.
  3. TRX Pikes:
    • Setup: Adjust the TRX to mid-length. Lay faced away from the anchor point, hold the handles, and step forward to create tension.
    • Execution: assume a pushup position and the push your butt up in the air (pike) and then recover into the pushup position
  4. TRX Bicep Curls:
    • Setup: Shorten the TRX straps to fully shortened. Face the anchor point, hold the handles with an underhand grip, and step back to create tension.
    • Execution: Perform bicep curls by bending your elbows, keeping your upper arms stable. Focus on contracting your biceps.
  5. TRX Tricep Extensions:
    • Setup: Adjust the TRX to mid-length. Face away from the anchor point, hold the handles with an overhand grip, and lean forward slightly.
    • Execution: Straighten your arms, engaging your triceps. Control the movement as you bend your elbows, bringing your hands back toward your forehead.

Lower body exercises on the TRX system

  1. TRX Squats:
    • Setup: Lengthen the TRX straps. Stand facing the anchor point, holding the handles at chest height.
    • Execution: Perform squats by lowering your body, keeping your chest up and weight in your heels. The TRX helps with balance and stability.
  2. TRX Lunges:
    • Setup: Shorten the TRX straps. Face away from the anchor point, place one foot in the foot cradles behind you, and step forward with the other foot. Your feet should be about shoulder width apart prior to putting your foot into the strap.
    • Execution: Lower your body into a lunge position, keeping your front knee over your ankle. Alternate legs.
  3. TRX Hamstring Curl:
    • Setup: Lie on your back with your heels in the foot cradles, arms by your sides. Lift your hips off the ground.
    • Execution: Pull your heels toward your glutes, engaging your hamstrings. Extend your legs back out, maintaining control.
  4. TRX Hip Abduction:
    • Setup: Lengthen the TRX straps to full length. Stand facing the anchor point, hold the handles at waist height, and lean to one side.
    • Execution: Lift the outside leg out to the side, engaging your hip abductors. Lower the leg back down with control.
  5. TRX Single-Leg Squats (fan favorite):
    • Setup: Lengthen the TRX straps. Stand facing the anchor point, lift one foot off the ground, and extend it forward.
    • Execution: Perform a squat on the standing leg while keeping the lifted leg extended. Use the TRX for balance and support.

Below are a few links for additional inspiration for fitness programming on the TRX:

TRX Go system is a great tool for increasing the variety of hotel workouts

How well does the TRX pack in carryon luggage?

The TRX system is extremely packable and I’ve never had an issue with TSA. Personally, I use the TRX Go system, as it’s lighter and packs up smaller (thanks to the thiner straps).

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