Charge Laptop with External Battery During Flight

Anker 20000 mha battery charging laptop

Charge your USB-C laptop with the Anker 20,000 mHA battery pack while flying internationally, solving the hole left by modern infotainment systems. This post contains affiliate links. I earn commissions when you buy through these links, at no cost to you. Problem of modern airline infotainment systems for business travelers The advent of modern infotainment systems […]

Traveling Internationally with reMarkable 2

Using the reMarkable 2 on a train in Europe to keep hybrid remote work organized

Learn how to best utilize your reMarkable 2 while traveling internationally for work or pleasure. This digital notebook allows you to synchronize your travel, organize key documents, and coordinate This post contains affiliate links. I earn commissions when you buy through these links, at no cost to you. Why am I qualified to write this article […]

Run Outside More During Overseas Business Travel [guide]

Running equipment while on an international business trip

Learn the techniques and tools needed to run more often during an international business trip from a fellow road warrior. Preparation is everything is you want to squeeze a run into the packed schedule of modern business travel – but it’s absolutely worth it! This post contains affiliate links. I earn commissions when you buy through […]

Increase Your iPhone’s Hotspot Compatibility

Enable Compatibility Mode to connect your reMarkable 2 through smartphone hotspot when off wifi

The iPhone’s hotspot functionality is a critical part of connectivity for most business travelers. But what does the iPhone Maximize Compatibility toggle do in the modern generations of the iOS Hotspot? What is iPhone compatibility mode for iPhone hotspot? “Maximize compatibility” on the iPhone’s hotspot menu moves the default 5GHz WiFi signal to an older […]

TRX for Better Hotel Workouts

TRX packed into business travel carry on suit case

The TRX system provides a travel friendly option to increase the variety and quality of workouts in hotel rooms for travelers of all types. It’s deceptively simple strap system forces your body work all sort of different stability muscles while increasing strain for the rest of your body. This post contains affiliate links. I earn commissions […]

How to De-wrinkle Clothes in Hotel Room

Use travel steamer to remove wrinkles from clothing while in a hotel room

Packing and unpacking can lead to wrinkled business attire, leading to a rumpled first impression. Using one of the hotel de-wrinkling strategies can help you show up to travel meetings looking sharp and presentable. This post contains affiliate links. I earn commissions when you buy through these links, at no cost to you. Why take my […]

Better Business Travel with the Whoop 4.0

Whoop 4.0 fitness and behavior tracker to maximize fitness and recovery when traveling

The Whoop 4.0 is an incredible tool for tracking fitness and more importantly recovery.  While this might sound specific to athletes, busy executives and consultants can use these features to maximize their performance and lifestyle.   This post contains affiliate links. I earn commissions when you buy through these links, at no cost to you. What […]

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